Self portrait & Portraits

What are the many differences between Self portraits and Selfies? The difference between those two are that they are takin different and have different values. Self portraits are pictures can be painting that "you" yourself have made by hand of yourself. A selfie is a picture you took on you phone by hand. There two different things of course, they may be you but they are done in different ways. Portraits are more something to stay in this earth for a long time and be seen in person. The selfie is more like on your phone taken fast or at anytime, it doesn't take time and it could be deleted anytime. I would prefer  doing both, the reason i say that is because i would want to take the selfie myself and then paint it myself but i would say selfie because it's easier. I wouldn't really say that one is more important than the other because people prefer different things and i think equal of them. They're both different in they're unique way that are different so i mainly like both.

                                                                         PART 2

I chose to look threw PetaPixel which the website explained what it was about and what you could do on this website. It's a website where people post videos or tips and pictures of things they took to help other people who pass by the website. It's a lot to explore and pretty easy to use. I believe the websites intentions is to pretty much help other newbies at photographing great pictures even tho they are just learning. Pretty much most people write about facts and things that involve photographing and many tips and ideas to use to improve your pictures in the future. They seem to get 50 or more views just being on this website.

The reason i chose this picture was because of the way the picture was taken. I really like how the picture has lighting involved in it and shows focus in her face. I like how the lighting is and the dull color concept that makes the picture something.I just really like how the picture is, it's unique in it's own way. The guy who took this picture did a good job!


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