Preparing to do an interview Assiment #1 // As. #2

1) Sheilyn 2) Nick 3) Nathan

1) Why do we have to wear uniforms?
2) Where would they come from?
3) What would they look like?
4) What type of uniform?
5) How short will the skirts be?
6) What will happen if you don't wear it?
7) Could we have days we don't wear it?
8) Do we wear it everyday?
9) Would they be comfortable?
10) Would they look nice?
11) Would we have to wear ties?
12 How long would we keep them on?
13) Would we wear jackets over?
14) When do you wash the uniforms?
15) Would they cost money?
16) Would we have matching shoes?
17) Would we wear them during gym?
18) What sizes do they have?
19) Do we wear any kind of socks?
20) Would we wear hats?
1) What makes you unique?
2) Did you want to be SOTM?
3)How does it feel?
4) Is it hard?
5) Do people respect you?
6) Whats your name?
7) When were you born?
8) Do you have fans?
9) Do u get homework?
10) Do you always get good grades?
11) Do u pass your classes?
12) Do you have a lot of friends?
13) Where do you eat for lunch?
14) What's your favorite color?
15) Would you get SOTM again?
16) Do you like being SOTM?
17) Do people look up to you?
18) Do teachers like you?
19) Are you the favorite student in class?
20) Do you have a lover?

1. I am very helpful person with their needs and I get all my work done on time.
2. Yes i have been waiting for this moment for a very long time with my hard work.
3. It feels amazing because this is my dream to be SOTM.
4. Yes it is because many people look up to me.
5. Yes because i am SOTM.
6. Shealyn Reilly.
7. Dec 23, 2004.
8. I don't call them fans, but i have many close friends.
9. Yes i get homework like every other student, and I get it done.
10. Yes because i am a straight A student.
11. Yes because i work hard.
12. Yes because i am a very out going student.
13. I usually sit in the halls with my friends.
14. Blue like my middle name.
15. Yes, of course i love the feeling of my accomplishments.
16. Yes because  i love the feeling.
17. Yes because i'm very inspiring .
18. Yes for the most part teachers think i am respectful.
19. I am not necessarily the favorite, we are all equal. Periodt.
20. Uh no. I think a Bf is very distracting from my work.
