
1. When i read the blog i was sad and very impressed by the pictures that were taken in Africa. The pictures were different from many and show the life of the animals in Africa. It shows what it used to look like before than after man destruction.

It's like if there used to be many animals but man made things got everywhere and trash and everything is everywhere and there's no more animals. That's what makes it my favorite because it shows how man mad things like plastic get into natural areas of animals homes and is sad.

4. Rules of Thirds is a rule that is in this picture because the elephant is not in the center and all around shows what is happening. Rule of thirds is a rule that it's a subject in the non-center to make the picture more eye catching.

5.  He used Pentax 67 fr a lot of pictures.

6. He was inspired and it caught his eyes of how beautiful nature is in Africa.

7. To show what is happening to these animals homes because of man made things and want people to notice the beauty of it and what it was.

8.“My images are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes.”

9. His main focus now is showing the problems of killing animals and takin their homes away.

10. He had to print big pictures that he never showed and they came from California, so it was a waiting processes.

11. Making people realize how important it is to take care of our animals which many do eat or used to and to take care of living things.

12. Made me feel sad about what they are doing in Africa and all those animals that are dying faster and faster.


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