Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would like to take pictures the Takakanonuma Greenland because it is creepy and give a "dead" type of vibe. People have died there too and that gives a history to the park and makes taking pictures more scary. It looks rotten and cool to see all the nature grow over everything and it would be kinda cool to take pictures of.


3. Six Flags New Orleans, Spreepark, Holy Land USA, Nara Dreamland, and Camelot Theme park.

5. I think this would be a good place to take pictures because of the dull colors. I could take pictures of the coaster and hope i do't fall off. You could expect many things from this place from weather making it more creeper.

6. You of course would need a camera and money to bring with you. Make sure you have a passport and you could be able to go to that country. If it's a private property i guess you would need permission from the owners or sneak in unless it's not a private property.


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