
Showing posts from September, 2019

Academic Photos (edited)


Academic Phoots


Great Black and White Photographers 3

1. That it showed the city and people and showed some movement which interest me. I see cars and water I smell gas and fresh water I hear car horns and hear sweet love their talking I taste oil and humans I feel fur on her jacket and the woman silky dress and guys shirts 3. I really haven't thought about that but taking nice pictures that pop would be really cool to share.

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would like to take pictures the Takakanonuma Greenland because it is creepy and give a "dead" type of vibe. People have died there too and that gives a history to the park and makes taking pictures more scary. It looks rotten and cool to see all the nature grow over everything and it would be kinda cool to take pictures of. 2. 3. Six Flags New Orleans, Spreepark, Holy Land USA, Nara Dreamland, and Camelot Theme park. 4.   5. I think this would be a good place to take pictures because of the dull colors. I could take pictures of the coaster and hope i do't fall off. You could expect many things from this place from weather making it more creeper. 6. You of course would need a camera and money to bring with you. Make sure you have a passport and you could be able to go to that country. If it's a private property i guess you would need permission from the owners or sneak in unless it's not a private property.


1. When i read the blog i was sad and very impressed by the pictures that were taken in Africa. The pictures were different from many and show the life of the animals in Africa. It shows what it used to look like before than after man destruction. 2-3. It's like if there used to be many animals but man made things got everywhere and trash and everything is everywhere and there's no more animals. That's what makes it my favorite because it shows how man mad things like plastic get into natural areas of animals homes and is sad. 4. Rules of Thirds is a rule that is in this picture because the elephant is not in the center and all around shows what is happening. Rule of thirds is a rule that it's a subject in the non-center to make the picture more eye catching. 5.  He used Pentax 67 fr a lot of pictures. 6. He was inspired and it caught his eyes of how beautiful nature is in Africa. 7. To show what is happening to these animals homes because of man mad

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. What are some of the main points you read about in the website above regarding manipulating images? That many pictures during the years been photoshopped or changed to look better than the original and how people anywhere could do it anytime they want to. 2. What is the philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York times regarding image manipulation? By changing up the original pictures and changing them. 3. What do you think are acceptable things you could do to an image and not cross the line unto an unethical manipulation? Maybe i could add some lighting or making the picture more focused to see what i took a pic of. 4. I think this is unethical because Oprahs body is someones else's body from an older picture. It isn't truthful and wouldn't look right if u saw her body in person. 5. This picture of kim is better than most of the pictures because they brighten up the picture and made her skin cleaner.They don't need to much or make

Great Black and White Photographers PART II

Walker Evans Born:  Nov. 3, 1903 Died:  April 10, 1975 Origin of Birth: Missouri, U.S Education: Knowing about effects of the Great Depression Jobs:  A American photographer and photojournalist Books Published: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, American photographs

Great Black and White Photographers

 Max Waldman  Walker Evans Alvarez Bravo

2012 Winners

  1. I picked this picture because the colors showed and the emotions of joy.   2. Simplicity     1. I picked this picture because shes excited and everyone has their hands up for her to run threw.     2. Balance 1. Around the school or in classes where students take activity. 2. i don't now but maybe a type of class with activity. 3. Using what i learnt. 

2018 Winners

Action or Emotion This picture shows action and emotion all at once. The two girls n the middle are happy and excited, as well as the ones holding the blanket up. Then the girls in the middle are jumping up using energy. The people holding the blanket are as well, moving the blanket up n down. The Story This picture tells the story of a teacher teaching his class about a pig or cats body.The students are paying attention to the teacher so they don't miss anything. Filling the Frame This picture shows people working on metal and making something. It fills in the frame mainly with their body's. It shows how interesting the fire and sparks are everywhere.

Peer Reflection #2 1. One positive thing i like is that the pictures are creative. 2. 2nd positive thing i like is that nicely described. 3. Maybe more work into the pictures.

Peer Reflection #1 1. One positive thing i like is he put thought into his pictures. 2. 2nd positive thing is he explains well. 3.Some pictures could be a different angle to show effect or maybe depth so its not kinda basic.

Post Shoot Reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 4 prompts (Square, Metal, Happy, Bowie) Trying to get the right shot and angle especially for the chair one, i had to lay down and all that. It's pretty hard even when focusing and all that! 2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly. Holding the camera because u have to old the camera very steady and in the right place. It's not that hard but it is for many and sometimes me. 3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography? I would take more pictures to choose from maybe that show more compositions. 4. What things would you do the same? The hallway picture because it's cool with people in the middle 5. Are you interested in shooting

Prompt Shoot #1

METAL I think is simplicity takes place in this photo because the chair which is "metal" and the blue sky makes it stand out. The pole might be in the way but it's metal too and the sun gives a beam of light on the chair. SQUARE I think this has lines because the walls form lines and the roof. Gives depth into the hallway full of kids. BOWIE I think this is balance because the logo for the school is in the middle. It represents Bowie too and shows school spirit. HAPPY I think is avoiding merges because it shows jacksons face and less of the background. It shows happy because he's smiling and it might want to make you smile.