SOM story

Who- Sheayln Reilly
What- Won SOTM
Where- JB Highschool
When- Month in Feb

March of Feb. 12, Sheayln won SOFM at JB Highschool and would love to spread her reasoning for being SOFM.

She won SOFm by being a very hard-working student. She worked very hard and cared for others, she inspired many to look up to her.

"Yes, I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time with my hard work! I always dreamed of getting somewhere to start, I always thought I would make something out of my hard work." SOFM, Sheayln Reilly said herself.

Sheayln Reilly is a very intelligent and sweet to her following students and fellow teachers. She works more than an average student would study in their free time. She puts a lot of effort into anything she is given, many respect her for her ambitions, and many respect her for her kindness and caring personality.

"I try my best to keep her working hard and up to schedule so she won't forget any upcoming work. I want her to succeed in life and what life would throw her in the future. When she doesn't pass I tell her to keep working hard, she'll work very hard. I believe in her truly no matter if she fails, I want her to always do her best in any cause." Melissa Reilly, Sheayln's mom said during an interview in the Vice Principle office.

Many take a glimpse with the amazement of Sheayln for her accomplishments shes achieved. It's like walking on the red carpet for Sheayln Reilly in the halls, she feels everyone's eyes on her.  Many think that she will become very successful in life with whatever she'll learn and know.

"Many know she'll have a future no matter the cause with such motivation and dependence. She could be a president if she wanted to! She's just so focused on her work nothing could distract her not even if u had something serious to say, she'll just focus on her work till it's done and correct." One of Sheayln's teacher said during an interview with her other teachers.

She's done so much to change others to do better and show that you should care about things. She's very dedicated and caring, something many want to be. That is the reason Sheayln Reilly is the SOFM at James Bowie Highschool!


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