Phobia Project

A. Phobia is a word in Greek that means fear which is something u get anxious about and scared of.

B. 1. Genophobia- Fear of having sex.
     2. Hamartophobia- Fear of sinning.
     3. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
     4. Hygrophobia- Fear of liquids or moist things.
     5. Hypnophobia- Fear of being hypnotized.
C. Im thinking of some ideas.
1. having someone drowning in deep water with a vertical angle and showing underwater and the top of the water while the model is trying to reach. i'll use like a cu so u can maybe see threw or a clear box.
2. Maybe a room full o mirrors or a close up of mirrors around the person looking very scared. Maybe using a red light on the person to add he color of shock.
3. Taking a picture of the model with scary clown makeup in the dark with white eyes standing in the dark in a corner watching the camera.
D. Maybe using frame and shadows.


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