Portraits / Self Portraits

       Get up high and shoot down on your subject or get as close to the ground as          you can and shoot up. Either way you’ll be seeing your subject from an angle        that is bound to create interest.

      by making your subject move
  • by keeping your subject still but having an element in the scene around them move
  • by moving your camera (or it’s lens to achieve a zoom burst)
       Eye contact.
                                                             Environmental portrait
Related image
I like this picture because it has a lot going on in the back.Image result for Environmental portrait          I like picture because of the puppets and it's focused and clean
                                                                photography self portrait
Image result for photography self portrait  I like this picture because the color is basic and just a good shot.

Related image  I like this picture because of the warm colors and focus.
                                                                     casual portrait
Related image I like this picture because of the color choice a shades.

Image result for casual portrait I like this picture because its focused and balanced.

For my self portraits and portraits i will be taking them in different ways and places. For my portraits i would be taking a picture of shealyn. I would be taking it outside somewhere in front of green (like flowers or bushes). I would make sure my picture is successful by holding the camera very still and           in place. I would make sure the picture is very focused and close up to her face almost.


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