Kansas City Public Library, United States Carrie Westlake Whitney 1873 Kansas city, Missouri You can visit this place. $10,00 to build. Created as a Library. The reason i picked this building was because it's in the United States. It's a library and it seems very different than the rest of many library's in America. It's colorful and different, i like that. Nautilus House, Mexico Javier Senosiain 2006-2007 Near Mexico city. You can visit it. $280,000 A family wanted to live in a nature area so they built this. I picked this building because it's creative. Turning Torso, Sweden Swedish cooperative association HSB February 14, 2001 Lilla Varvsgatan 14, 211 15 Malmö, Sweden you can visit. $950million Meant to be a freehand sculpture to just be there. The building sounded interesting. The UFO House, Taiwan Owned by Hung Kuo Group 1978 Sanzhi District , New Taipei , Taiwan Private. No price. Supposed to be a vacation re...